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Yury Kronn

Yury Kronn

Energy Tools International, LLC, USA

Title: Subtle energy: Bridging modern science and ancient wisdom enables the creation of versatile tools for energy medicine


Biography: Yury Kronn


What seems to be missing from the branch of the healthcare field known as “energy medicine” is a common language for the deep, practical understanding of what the ancients called “life force,’ “chi” or “prana,” and what frontier scientists call “subtle energy.” This lecture, given by Dr. Yury Kronn, is based on his 30 years comprehensive study of subtle energy, providing a clearly rendered picture of subtle energy’s role in our lives on all levels: physiological, psychological, mental and spiritual. Dr. Kronn will present the practical results of his long-term work using Vital Force Technology (VFT) for developing subtle energy patterns that aim to support our well-being. VFT is capable of generating, storing, reproducing and infusing subtle energy into various substances. During more than 25 years of working with Vital Force Technology, a unique and extensive library of thousands of subtle energy patterns has been created. These include, among others: 1) energetic blueprints of the Periodic Table elements; 2) patterns created following the rules of Traditional Chinese Medicine (“The Five Elements”); 3) clean, “noise free” blueprints of many herbs, gemstones, oils and other substances; 4) energy patterns created by distinguished healers’ intent, prayers, mantras, etc. In addition, many of these patterns have been experimentally tested using proven scientific methodologies with strong positive effects of the patterns observed on humans, animals, plants, and the health of cells, and even on gene activity. Presented research clearly confirms that subtle energy deserves the title given to it by ancients -- “the Life Force” -- and opens earlier unknown possibilities for rigorous scientific research of subtle energy, as well as the development of versatile tools for upcoming energy medicine.