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Ivan Coral

Universidad Central Del Ecuador, Ecuador

Title: Male infertility due to oligospermia treated with Complementary and Alternative Medicine


Biography: Ivan Coral


Infertility is inability to become pregnant after one year of unprotected regular intercourse. Male infertility related to sperm is associated with childhood diseases, systemic illnesses, surgeries, allergies, drugs and gonad toxins (chemical or environmental). The sample need 48h of abstinence, a volume of 1,5ml, 15´000.000/ml of sperm cells, 58% with vital forms, 32% with fast progression, 40% with motility, 40% with normal morphology. Infertility affects 15% of couples and in Latin America, the male factor is involved in 52% of the cases. This work makes a retrospective revision of 20 patients with a diagnosis of oligospermia as the main cause of infertility, treated previously with conventional procedures and therapies, without positive outcomes. An integrative protocol of CAM which included diet, exercise, clothing, work environment, alimentary supplements, homeopathic medicine, ozone therapy and few sessions of intratesticulate neural therapy was applied. After that protocol 90% of cases have positive outcomes in sperm quality and resolution of infertility.