Biography: Debasish Kundu
Spagyrics or plant alchemy has been regarded as a cultural tradition, the purpose of the spagyric treatment is to dissolve the internal powers of a plant through the respective mixture of the purified three basic alchemical principles salt, sulphur and mercury and make them therapeutically usable as a medicinal force. Od force is the cosmic life force that animates and circulates throughout creation; natural electromagnetic energy of the infinite universe consisting of positive, negative and neutral charges which build and sustain the human body and all other matter. Everyone is surrounded by an electromagnetic field, and this field is called an aura. The aura has been depicted throughout history in literature and paintings. Angel pictures show it as a halo; pictures of Jesus often depict a light around his head. Auras are not unique to angels and religious leaders, however; a field of energy surrounds us all. This is called prana in Ayurveda, meaning primary energy. It is sometimes translated as breath or vital force, though it is more than these. This life force energy is represented as qi (chi) in traditional Chinese medicine. The homeopathic notion of the vital force is a spirit-like essence that animates a living organism. In homeopathy, the disease is considered to originate as a disruption of the vital force. Symptoms produced are thought to reflect the nature of the disruption. It is an innate intelligence that is not entirely physical or spiritual. As there is order to the universe based on energy, so must our internal order or vital force energy be in balance. When it is not, disease results and symptoms develop. Symptoms of the disease are an outer expression of our inner disrupted vital force. These symptoms are helpful clues to which areas of our body need attention. The body can heal itself and this knowledge is within all of our cells or neuro-immuno-endocrine system as physiologists say. Most traditional healing practices posited that disease was the result of some imbalance in the vital energies which distinguish living from non-living matter. Alchemical practices and philosophy can be found in all the world’s great traditional medical systems like Ayurveda, siddha, spagyric medicine, etc. In this article, the author traces the source and relationship of spagyrics with sacred Hindu tantric philosophy (Sexual Alchemy) and practices, and the extent to which they contributed to significant changes in medical science.